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Silurus Glanis - Wels Catfish (Catfish angling)
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xavier Spanish carps in Mequinenza with Mehdi.
yuri.grisendi.(gsi) A sander of 4,200 Kg from The Po river.
silurius A commune of 13.5 kg taken in "Fontaine Sur Saône" in the Saône river in May.
It is not an exeptionnal catch, but after 4 days and 5 nights of rain and cold it was deserved.
It was followed of 23 other fish on this fishing party (from 7 to 10 kg).
It was my first fishing session of the year 2002. 17,8kg - on TROPHES OF CANARIES of vidéotel. Set down 2m from the border and 60m to my left: 15kg + on a pop up. Let's be as them opportunists. The banks of the lake were under 5 meters of water.
claude.valette To have as many runs, a lot of fish is necessary! ... And to have a lot of fish in activity, it is necessary to feed them. And in the Ebro, believe me that there is the world at the bottom. It is not less than 100 kg of mixture of seeds (tiger nuts, peanuts, corn, hempseed), soaked and firings, + 20 kg of croquettes, 20 kg of pellets, and 7-8 kg of boilies, that are immersed 4 times each week. (And it is winter!!!....) even here!...
The "new thing", it is that now I fish with seeds (1 tiger + 1 peanut), and that seems "even" more efficient than the croquettes!... Yesterday, (Dec. 4) Elisabeth didn't succeed in throwing her rods during the first hour... We have (with my 2 rods), totalised 19 runs (and 13 fishes) from 11 to noon.
claude.valette Another of the same day. It was November 30. Noteworthy day: 28 runs (and 24 fishes) from 11 to 14. !... (and from 6 Kg up to + 12 Kg.) But on time when I publish this, I have just beaten (yesterday!) my record of runs in 1 hour (see photo). I found something else of more efficient than the croquettes...
olivier A sea bass, frequent capture in the Camargue when one fishes the silurid.
xavier ... a pikeperch of 82cm.
(following the photo n°21)
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2024-09-12 05:30 (Europe/Paris)