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Silurus Glanis - Wels Catfish (Catfish angling)
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xavier Our record of the year 1999 (2/3):
And here is one more photo... we used all the film of 24 exposures!
(following the photo n°11)
xavier Our record of the year 1999 (1/3):
Fished in a sector which was the theatre of first big captures in Lyons in the beginning of the Eighties.
loupenz My biggest hold of the year 1999 with photo.
I put a small quarter of hour to take it.
loupenz Silurid caught with a half of rotengle.
xavier The biggest of a set of 6 result of one morning of fishing on a sector of the Rhone that was at the time nearly virgin.
xavier This silurid, taken by Lionel, marked the beginning of big more regular captures.
xavier Two fishing boats, two pretty silurids touched, only one caught.
xavier A last photo for souvenir, and the silurid returned some seconds later in its own natural element.
(following the photos n°2 and n°3)
xavier My first big silurid caught in a evening storm.
(following the photo n°2)
xavier In the fire of the action...
1   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90   100   103   104   105  
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2024-09-16 14:49 (Europe/Paris)