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Silurus Glanis - Wels Catfish (Catfish angling)
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seb 5.57 ft Wels Catfish caught in Tournus.
thierry.christiaens When angling this 22 lbs Wels Catfish, it got swallowed by a very big one. You can see the damages on the skin.
alberto Pike.
alberto Sander caught and released in january 2003 in Rio Ebro waters.
alberto Sander in the Aragon sea. ... smoothly back into the Seine river MY FIRST "big one" in the Seine river! :-)

To be honest, i'm happy to be in the photo but the wels catfish was caught by Xavier...
siluliver siluros como este cada vez son mas en escatron
siluliver la pesca en corrientes apura al maximo nuestros equipos
siluliver face to face ...
siluliver Escatron is one of the best places for wels catfishing.
siluliver Magic nights of Escatron hide big surprises.
siluliver The end of a day is fruitfull.
siluliver Nightfever with my "friends".
siluliver Wels catfish from Mequinenza...
rory Wels catfish caught with live bait.
rory Wels catfish caught with live bait.
jantimetal My first Wels Catfish over 2 metres.
I couldn't get this one without Alberto Millan's help, spanish fishing guide.
Thank you Albertoˇˇˇˇ
alberto Man eating catfish !!!
alberto Brace.
alberto April 29, 2003:
memorable day: 17 catfish.

the 5 cats in the photo are:
1m96, 1m98, 2m, 2m02 et 2m03m.
I can hardly demand more...
alberto big catfish of 2m10...
alberto 2m10 catfish
alberto April 23, 2003:
5 catfish about 2 meters...
alberto April 29, 2003
xavier Huge albino catfish in Camargue (France).
Photo with Yuri Grisendi (GSI) from "Gruppo Siluro Italia".
xavier Huge albino catfish in Camargue (France).
Photo with "Gruppo Siluro Italia".
xavier Huge albino catfish in Camargue (France).
xavier Huge albino catfish in Camargue (France).
xavier Huge albino wels catfish in Camargue (France).
rory night catch ...
rory My first big one about 32kg / 160cm caught last sunday in the Saone river. The new lower Ebro record wels 167.00lbs caught by John Webb on the left of pic and Gary The Guide with him.
alberto Catfish caught near water surface.
alberto See the lure in the big mouth.
alberto Fishing waters around Escatrón and Chiprana are well known by foreign fishers.
alberto Agustin changed his opinion about catfish fishing after having caught this big one.
mehdi.b Souvenir photos of a fishing trip in Mequinenza 2003.
mehdi.b Souvenir photos of a fishing trip in Mequinenza 2003.
mehdi.b Souvenir photos of a fishing trip in Mequinenza 2003.
mehdi.b Souvenir photos of a fishing trip in Mequinenza 2003.
mehdi.b Souvenir photos of a fishing trip in Mequinenza 2003 with Claude Valette.
mehdi.b Souvenir photos of a fishing trip in Mequinenza 2003.
mehdi.b Souvenir photos of a fishing trip in Mequinenza 2003.
mehdi.b Souvenir photos of a fishing trip in Mequinenza 2003.
alberto Head of catfish
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2024-09-15 18:35 (Europe/Paris)