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Silurus Glanis - Wels Catfish (Catfish angling)
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  Photo Nickname Comment  
mauricio82 173cm & 155cm
parfumdelys Float tube catfishing.
claude.valette He did not finish in water really voluntarily...
claude.valette Another one of the same serie.
claude.valette One of the biggest wells catfish caught with a danish client.
We had 14 fish in 3 fishing sessions of 5 hours.
claude.valette Small mishap.

1/2 second of carelessness, and I retained a fish of 40 kg which struggled, with the finger and one 5/0 stainless hook planted inside.
alberto Caught in April 2005.
alberto Caught in April 2005.
alberto Caught in April 2005.
alberto Happy fisherwoman.
alberto In March 2005.
alberto In March 2005
alberto In March 2005.
mauricio82 CATCH AND RELEASE !!!
mauricio82 CATCH AND RELEASE !!!
stevie.d My biggest of the trip, 76.5kg and 2.29m long caught April 2005.
A fantastic fight stripping line easily with the clutch fully tightened.
Thanks again to Jason and Ed for their help and company.
stevie.d Jan and her new PB 76kg 2.34m fish caught April 2005 in Mequinenza.
It was an exciting fight in the dark.
The fish looked enormous in the torch lights.
Thanks to Jase and Ed without whose help we could not have landed and weighed and photod the fish.
We caught 7 cats that night in 2 hours 30 mins all over 2m except 1.
alberto In March 2005.
alberto Wells catfish from Ebro river (MARCH-2005).
alberto Wels catfish of 208cm/6.34ft caught & released the 22-MARCH-2005 in the Ebro river (Spain).
alessandro.(gsi) Alex and Andréa with two "big moustache" from PO.
le.pecheur a beautiful tench taken with corn
arnaud.s69 Wells Catfish caught in the Rhône river.
arnaud.s69 My biggest fish of last year (2004) in the Rhône river.
claude.valette Jackpot today April 6, 2005 for Tonino Mazza and his son Lino with
this splendid wels catfish tangerine.
claude.valette Jackpot today April 6, 2005 for Tonino Mazza and his son Lino with
this splendid wels catfish tangerine.
claude.valette Jackpot today April 6, 2005 for Tonino Mazza and his son Lino with
this splendid wels catfish tangerine.
claude.valette photo 2/2:

The anecdote of yesterday!
A rod exploded to our face... but we had the fish!
claude.valette photo 1/2:

The anecdote of yesterday!
A rod exploded to our face... but we had the fish!
claude.valette Some nice photographs of the last 2 days of guidance (exclusively with lure).
biscarrosse European Catfish (Wells) caught in March 2005 in Escatrón at river Ebro in Spain (Europe).
philippe.s. At this time, it is the turn of Gilles to present his silure to us.
Herve helped for raising, measuring, weighting and to give it back its freedom.
philippe.s. He dreamed about it ... and he did it.
Yes, he kissed the fish.
But no problem, Madam is not jealous!!!
monsieur.perche Silure fished in Creteil Lake with a shad of 10cm by seeking the
pike perch. Weighed, measured and released to water!
claude.valette We were not unemployed this winter on Ebro and Segre, and the big carps rewarded us well, without speaking about the festival of silures to the frolic and pellets!
Here some of most beautiful ones.
claude.valette We were not unemployed this winter on Ebro and Segre, and the big carps rewarded us well, without speaking about the festival of silures to the frolic and pellets!
Here some of most beautiful ones.
claude.valette We were not unemployed this winter on Ebro and Segre, and the big carps rewarded us well, without speaking about the festival of silures to the frolic and pellets!
Here some of most beautiful ones.
claude.valette Some nice photographs from Spain!
claude.valette We were not unemployed this winter on Ebro and Segre, and the big carps rewarded us well, without speaking about the festival of silures to the frolic and pellets!
Here some of most beautiful ones.
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2024-09-08 03:22 (Europe/Paris)