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With his rod for trout "Verdon 280", Pierre managed the exploit to catch this silurid of 1m85 after a fight of 40 mn.
The video of this fight is on my web site http://michel31.c.la/. |
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Wels catfish of 1m90 approximately taken with "bouillette 20 mm" (bird
food). |
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Superb fish of 2m20 caught in Spain and fought in float tube by our "pescayre catala" Jeannot during nearly 40 mn. A team work rewarded well where everyone took an active part in this capture:
- Marion and Bernard for the photographs and videos
- Benjamin for the hooking and the releasing
- Jeannot for the combat in float tube! For my part: clonck, navigation and handing-over with water.
It should be noted that the handing-over with water took a bone to us score of minutes seen the intensity and the duration of the combat. It was "PURE HAPPINESS". The video of this great moment is in the video section of this website http://xvella.free.fr/videos/videos-eng.php or directly on my personal web site: http://michel31.c.la |
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My first carp of 10 kg |
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October 23 on Ebre. This beautiful fish was caught by Edouard. Pretty reward for team work, Pierre on the clonck and Michel with the orders. |
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Guillaume's first catfish from Spain. |
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The very first wels catfish of Norbert.
August 2000 in Spain. |
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Catfish from Spain (august 2002). |
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Catfishing in a float tub.
Big sensations guaranteed. |
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My wife Dominique caught her catfish (caught with no help). |