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Silurus Glanis - Wels Catfish (Catfish angling)
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philippe.s. After the photo, this small wels catfish got back into the water.
alberto A couple of Escatron catfish.
alberto 02-March-2003:
Four (4) of the nine (9) wels catfish caught in one unforgettable day.
alberto This is not a Dog-Eating Catfish ... but a Man-Eating Catfish !!!
nicolas.vernier Carp... my other passion! No matter the weight, this fish has really beautiful colours.
nicolas.vernier Catfish in the Seine river.
nicolas.vernier That one I owes him a particular homage... What a combat!!!! The carp, it is really a fantastic fish.
nicolas.vernier A surprise sander caught when fishing catfish in the Seine river.
les.frangins.kupper 7.02ft 138lbs - Michaël (left)
6.29ft 112lbs - Christophe (right)
alberto Huge one from the Escatrón.
les.frangins.kupper My first for 2003.
les.frangins.kupper Laurent and Loîc with a 6.39ft/112lbs catfish.
adam.shannon My best pike from an Irish canal, 28lbs.
adam.shannon I dont see any pics of Irish fish here .
So here is a 18lbs pike from an Irish Canal.
adam.shannon Eoin Beatty with a beautiful looking carp from the lower Ebro.
adam.shannon Eoin Beatty on the right with a 70lbs+ cat from the river Ebro. He had this fish and a 65lbs fish in successive casts.
philippe.s. 3 inseparable friends (Laurent Kupper and Philippe S on the
photograph and Michael Kupper behind the objective)
les.frangins.kupper Michaël with 1m97 catfish.
les.frangins.kupper It was very hard to keep the fish in my arms but the result was worth of it.
les.frangins.kupper Philippe S and Laurent Kupper present this huge wels catfish. The fish got back into the river after the photograps.
philippe.s. End of the year 2001:
a 1,50m catfish in the Rhône river.
philippe.s. Kleine clin van oog aan mijn vriend Tieme van Nederland dat zijn vakantie aan Cuisery in kant van Seille zal doorbrengen om er silures.

Philippe S.
philippe.s. Wells Catfish of 175cm (5.33ft) caught in Cuisery.
philippe.s. Cyril Montois, Michael Kupper and Philippe S and their 3 wells catfish caught & released in May 2002 in the Saône river.
philippe.s. This capture took place in the Seille river this summer 2002. For their first
wels catfish fishing party, Romain and Sylvain had taken my boat to make the blow of the evening. And it is with knowhow that they caught this beautiful silure of 1,54m. The photographs were taken in water, under the glance of many people. The catch was celebrated as it should be and the catfish turned back into the river...
xavier.bresciani 150cm 25Kg
Saône 2002
stevie.d A beautiful 132 part mandarin whose markings mirror the 'Pyramid' mountains opposite the swim, Jan helping (again!).
stevie.d The only way I could lift the 178lbs!
stevie.d Head to head with a 178!
stevie.d 178lb 80.7Kg ...
My best yet!
Jan getting in on the act again.
stevie.d Me and the other half Jan with my first 100lb plus (45.3kg) plus shortly before release.
jantimetal Who said they don't bite in winter ?
December 2002.
xavier.bresciani 180cm / 38Kg caught in the Saône river.
alberto Catfish 218cm caught in Mequinenza.
xavier.bresciani Wels catfish 207cm / 60Kg caught in the Segre river in april 2002.
alberto December 2002.
Pike just before release.
slp.dawe 110lb 6feet 5inch fish from the river Segre in May 2001, using buoy rig.
slp.dawe 99lb 6feet 2inch fish from the river Segre in May 2002, using buoy rig.
This fish helped me raise £1000 for disabled children, so it is a special fish.
big.ron Sunset over rods ...
big.ron in water with 170 +
big.ron roncol
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2024-09-12 08:12 (Europe/Paris)