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Silurus Glanis - Wels Catfish (Catfish angling)
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big.ron Ross with spanish 120.
big.ron Ross in France with his first catfish (65 lbs).
big.ron LeeCat
big.ron 154
big.ron Brace.
big.ron Lee big cat.
big.ron Helping hand.
big.ron First Cat.
big.ron Big mouth.
big.ron A big race.
big.ron 129, 154, 151, 125.
big.ron 155 copy.
big.ron 2 x 150
big.ron 173
big.ron 173 (2)
big.ron 154
big.ron 149
big.ron 147
big.ron 141
big.ron My first nights fishing in Spain.
Brace of 125 & 136.
What a start.
michel.31 Guillaume's first catfish from Spain.
michel.31 The very first wels catfish of Norbert.
August 2000 in Spain.
michel.31 Catfish from Spain (august 2002).
michel.31 Catfishing in a float tub.
Big sensations guaranteed.
michel.31 My wife Dominique caught her catfish (caught with no help). Caught this Bluecatfish on a Shimano CT700 reel with BPS 30# test line and a St Croix musky rod. The fish hit in 55' deep water on a 2' piece of cut skipjack (freshwater herring). I used an 8/0 gamakatsu circle hook. The fish weighed 62 pounds and was 50" long and had a girth of 33".

This is a very big fish for these parts of the USA, not big by the standards I see you catch over there.
alberto A huge catfish caught with an artifial lure in the Ebro river.
xavier The beginning of a new fishing day.
vincent The first week-end of june 2002.
xavier A large smile just before catch by hand.
xavier A catfish with a large head caught with Yuri Grisendi (GSI) in the PO river in Italy.
xavier My father with 1,60m catfish on the Saone river.
xavier Below points of tattooing for classification J.C. TANZILLI & Professor CAILLERE.
The marking of bleue color is carried out by injection under the skin on some of the zones numbered (the mark is made up of several small points).
There are series with 2,3,4... zones tattooed.
If you capture a catfish with these marks of tattooing, it acts of a specimen test.
You can raise the numbers of the zones tattooed as well as the length (longueur), the weight (poids), the date (date) and the place of capture (lieu), and make us follow them.
We will transmit this information to J.C.TANZILLI.
phil 1.96 meter silurus glanis caught in august 2002 in the Aragon Sea.
adam.shannon 10kg carp caught while fishing with Gary of on the lower ebro in July 2001.
adam.shannon 50lbs+ Catfish caught while fishing with Gary of on the lower Ebro in July 2002.
adam.shannon 154lbs Catfish caught while fishing with Gary of on the lower Ebro in July 2002.
adam.shannon 154lbs Catfish caught while fishing with Gary of on the lower Ebro in July 2002.
adam.shannon 21lbs carp caught while fishing with Gary of
thierry.christiaens Catfish with antenna. Last photo before release.
olive.flpp Goodbye & release.
olive.flpp My very first catfish of The Seine river.
jorge.gomez.martinez My fishing pal Emilio with a nice "cat" fat like a balloon. It was caught with a crankbait in
jorge.gomez.martinez A mammouth cat I caught from the Ebro waters with light tackle and a crankbait.
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2024-09-09 17:46 (Europe/Paris)