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Silurus Glanis - Wels Catfish (Catfish angling)
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olivier Silurids of the Seine river:
Small silurid caught with using clonk.
olivier Silurids of the Seine river:
1 meter 70 silurid caught by Eric using clonk.
olivier Silurids of the Seine river:
1 meter 65 silurid caught by using clonk.
olivier Silurids of the Seine river:
1 meter 60 silurid caught by JF using clonk.
olivier Silurids of the Seine river:
1 meter 50 silurid caught by JF using clonk.
olivier Silurids of the Seine river:
1 meter 55 silurid caught by using clonk.
olivier Silurids of the Seine river:
1 meter 35 silurid caught by JF using clonk.
olivier Silurids of the Seine river:
1 meter 35 silurid caught by JF using clonk.
olivier We can always dream about the BIG ONE !!!!! .........

olivier 2 meters 20 caught by JF with a Flying Spoon.
olivier 2 meters 19 caught by JF with a Flying Spoon.
olivier My biggest catfish: 2 meters 30
caught with a Flyin Spoon in the Rhone river, after a fight of 30 minutes.
olivier A 223cm silurid caught with a Flying Spoon in the Rhone river.
olivier A 2 meter 20 silurid caught with worms and klonking in the Rhone river.
olivier 2 meter 17 catfish for JF.
Probably the heaviest fish we caught.
Caught after 5 minutes of beginning of fishing and fight of 25 minutes.
olivier A 2 meter 14 silurid of the Rhone river caught with a Flying Spoon.
olivier 2 meter 12 caught with a Flying Spoon. This is the biggest among the 25 catfishes caught (17 were more than 130cm).
olivier 2 meter 10 silurid caught with worms in the Petit Rhone.
olivier 2 meter 09 silurid for JF caught with worms in the Petit Rhone.
olivier 2 meter 05 silurid caught with worms in the Petit Rhone.
olivier My second big catfish of Sylvereal (1 meter 98).
olivier 1 meter 95 caught with a Flying Spoon.
olivier My first big catfish of the Petit Rhone: 1 meter 95.
olivier 1 meter 75 silurif of the Rhone river caught with Flying Spoon.
olivier Two silurids caught with Flying Spoon:
175 cm for JF and 180cm for myself.
olivier 1 meter 75 silurid of the Petit Rhone.
olivier 1 meter 75 silurid caught with Flying Spoon in the Rhone river.
olivier Silurid of the Petit Rhone (1 meter 65).
olivier Silurid of the Petit Rhone victim of a bouquet of worms.
olivier 1 meter 65 caught with worms.
olivier My first in the Saone river.
olivier JF's first catfish of the Saone: 1 meter 30.
olivier My first silurid of the Petit Rhone, 1 meter 30.
olivier My first albinos (110cm) caught on the Rhone river.
olivier An albinos silurid 185cm caught by JF on the Rhone river.
olivier An albinos silurus hooked 3 meters under the boat.
olivier An albinos silurid caught by my brother on the Rhone river.
olivier The very firts albinos for JF. Caught on the Petit Rhône. Catfish of Mequinenza . It can happen: a beautiful morning and a beautiful silurid pricks in the hearings, died therefore of hemorrhage before photo. Sad remind fos us to pay attention. For me a big catfish. Thierry. Guy and his record to read on: "" report around the world.
With Guy it is never sad.
A model of endurance to the pain.
Not true my father? So, what? Just watch!! Thierry... A nice look, and a Hollywood smile, but a really smashing machine to make a 2 lbs carp look like a sole. A bad position for the fish, but a very, very hard fight thank to my rod: uptide power lift 9'6,2/8oz from Daiwa; in england you have a good chance to find. Very beautiful colors in an extraordinary biotop. As Olivier says, pay attention to the flukes. A small grandfather who came up to taste the temperature of this beautiful evening. It's a pity that its very gluey business card is always on my tee shirt. The history of this silurid can be read on "" (journey around the world) and it is not sad. "Just ask Claude." An unforgettable fight hey! hey! Under Claude's direction, I did ask him the question "can I pull ?". Yeah, go my p'tit boy... Well, three minutes later the silurid met the dry. It was one of the rods left alone by one of our pals from Switzerland. I din't want to let the fishhook steel in the muzzle of a fish. Jef and his all first silurid. We return to Mequinenza in June 2002. Jef hopes to be able to bring more of beautiful photos. This one was aggressive when turning back to the water.
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2024-09-10 14:07 (Europe/Paris)