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Silurus Glanis - Wels Catfish (Catfish angling)
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piero.lombardi.(gsi) Wels catfish fishing photos in the Po river in Italy.
piero.lombardi.(gsi) Wels catfish fishing photos in the Po river in Italy.
piero.lombardi.(gsi) Wels catfish fishing photos in the Po river in Italy.
piero.lombardi.(gsi) Wels catfish fishing photos in the Po river in Italy.
piero.lombardi.(gsi) Wels catfish fishing photos in the Po river in Italy.
piero.lombardi.(gsi) Wels catfish fishing photos in the Po river in Italy.
piero.lombardi.(gsi) Wels catfish fishing photos in the Po river in Italy.
piero.lombardi.(gsi) Wels catfish fishing photos in the Po river in Italy.
piero.lombardi.(gsi) Wels catfish fishing photos in the Po river in Italy.
piero.lombardi.(gsi) Wels catfish fishing photos in the Po river in Italy.
piero.lombardi.(gsi) Wels catfish fishing photos in the Po river in Italy.
georges First wels catfish of our three days of fishing with Xavier and Vincent. In the photo with Xavier and Gilles (from "Silure Club Rhodanien").
georges The biggest catfish was caught by Sylvain and Xavier.
georges Sylvain's very first wels catfish.
georges The first wels catfish of afternoon fishing party with Sylvain and Xavier.
philippe.s. ... Go back to water and grow up 1cm to reach the lenght of 2 meters!
philippe.s. Eh yes, I make the grimace but it mastics my fingers. Fortunately
my two friends Romain and Sylvain who assisted me for the capture, are
still present to present this beautiful silure of 199cm which after
the sceance of photos turned back in to waters.
xavier Group photo with our italian friends.
xavier Beautiful gift from Carlo Tarenzi: two handmade clonks.
xavier Carlo Tarenzi, Xavier and Yuri Grisendi (GSI) in the PO river in Italy.
xavier Photo with our friends of Gruppo Siluro Italia (from left to right: Michele, Andrea Pomati (GSI), Yoan, Riccardo, Xavier, Vincent et Markku).
xavier Photo with our friends of Gruppo Siluro Italia (from left to right: Piero Lombardi (GSI), Yoan, Jean-Philippe, Andrea Pomati (GSI), Riccardo, Xavier, Michele and Vincent).
thierryg25 Photograph souvenir of a fishing party with Xavier.
thierryg25 Photograph souvenir of a fishing party with Xavier.
xavier Hand made cloncks by the italian "maestro" Carlo Tarenzi.
xavier Carbon clonck made by Fabrice Neri.
la.mouche Evening fishing...
laurent.62 171cm (5.21ft) / 23.5kg (51.8lbs) handsome catfish caught in Spain.
xavier Other photos with Fabrice Neri of the giant catfish caught by my father.
xavier Other photos with Fabrice Neri of the giant catfish caught by my father.
xavier Other photos of the giant catfish caught by my father.
xavier Wels catfish caught by my father in the 14th of July 2004.
fabrice.neri Fishing between pals.
With Vincent and Xavier.
dusan.valach Wels catfish fishing photos sent by DUSAN VALACH.
dusan.valach Wels catfish fishing photos sent by DUSAN VALACH.
dusan.valach Wels catfish fishing photos sent by DUSAN VALACH.
dusan.valach Wels catfish fishing photos sent by DUSAN VALACH.
dusan.valach Wels catfish fishing photos sent by DUSAN VALACH.
dusan.valach Wels catfish fishing photos sent by DUSAN VALACH.
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2024-09-12 20:29 (Europe/Paris)