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Silurus Glanis - Wels Catfish (Catfish angling)
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franky Caught in the Seine river.
franky Caught in the Seine river.
jakub.vagner One more time the big one with Xavier.
jakub.vagner It was a really good fight. It was our biggest catfish in my week with Xavier and boys in France. Thank you boys, it was really great!!!
jakub.vagner Catfish of Mehdi. It was our first bigger catfish in this week.
jakub.vagner My first baby catfish with Xavier in river Saone.
jakub.vagner My first catfish in France with Xavier.
jakub.vagner It was our first catfish in river Rhona. Not first for Xavier and his friends, but it was my first catfish in France.
jakub.vagner Fishing show CARP ITALY (2004).
It was excellent day with very good catfishermen!
Xavier, Yuri Grisendi (GSI), Jakub Vágner, Dejan Sorli and Olivier Portrat.
alberto A spectacular combat in a float tube with a wels catfish of two meters.
alberto May-2004
esox34 Catfish of 225cm and 86Kg (6.86 ft and 189.6 lbs) caught with boyo method.
alberto Three "handsome" ones from Rio Ebro.
alberto it's not really heavy.
alberto caught in the very same place, but they are not in same colour.
alberto One moment of complicity... before releasing.
alberto This slim one is 6.77ft.
gaetano.borghi The 100kg clock didn't go any further, so it must be over 100 kg.
This giant one was caught it in the river Po on "a mort manie" rod.
The fight took 3 hours!
lucas.van.der.geest Here it is with the smile for a photograph.
lucas.van.der.geest The fish is assembled at the edge by firmly holding it by the jaw.
lucas.van.der.geest Triple hook with a bunch of ground worms.
siluliver Splendid sight on Rio Ebro.
redjo yellow wels catfish The Seine river appears as a rich of large fish. This wells catfish is quite small comparing to what have seen in the Seine river.
carat57 Grass Carp (lat.: Hypophthalmichthys Molitrix).
dax 118 pound catfish took in asco on the rio ebro in spain on the 26/04/04 on live baite Drifting with stopper ... Steeve and Gregory Revert. We have been fishing wels catfish in the Seine river for several years.
The largest catches we have made are 1m95/51.5kg 1m80/41kg 1m70/35kg and around fifty between 1m00 and 1m50.
We broke on the enormous ones ever seen.
The Seine river wants to make speak about it! silure caught with the worms in the seine river silure caught with the worms in the seine river
olivier Small catfish caught in the beginning of the season (see the bite marks).
philippe.s. This fishing day, the weather did not play in our favour (a cold blow and rain and a blow sun). But our guide Michel Godbille knows where to find them...
philippe.s. Beautiful catch of my nephew Greg. For his second wels catfish, he starts with this superb catfish of 1,80m. In present, I can say that changing is assured. To be continued...
philippe.s. We laugh, but it is heavy. Thank you dear unknown walker for taking the photo.
philippe.s. This moorning was quite cold, however our friend Xavier is nevertheless able to make them move up.
philippe.s. Good start for this new season. Quickly the last photo before back into water.
philippe.s. Super moment and what happiness to caught a fish of this size. When I had put my hand in the mouth, Xavier said to me: "Pay attention to triple hook, pay attention to triple hook". But him, what do you believe that he made? ... He taped up all this fishing action... Thank you Xavier!!!
philippe.s. Yes, it is beautiful! (I speak about the catfish of course). Short fifteen minutes of fight and it was in the boat. As Xavier hooked it up and I made the rest, this is a common fish and shared happiness.
mike Mike with an 84lb Albino Catfish, Ebro River, Spain
xavier Huge wels catfish from the river Po with Franck.
xavier Huge wels catfish from the river Po with Yuri Grisendi (GSI).
lorenzo My very first caught, helped well by Xavier. In spite of a not very lenient weather, three catfish for this testing day, of which this one in all end of day and two catfish for Giorgio.
silurman Certainly one of the oldest wels catfish photo found on the internet.
alberto Wels catfish attached to a cord after the capture. This catfish was released
after the photo souvenir.
alberto A small one ... 215cm|6.55ft 65Kg|143.3lbs
pascal Superb pike taken under somewhat exceptional conditions: the line which held the fish remained long minutes rolled up around a tree trunk which lay to 4 m basic, one needed all delicacy and the force which one imagines for finally going up this last by means of a take down-lure. The line, released once, the contact renewed again with the animal, a few moments of combat and fish was taken. Thank you Mrs ESOX for this great moment that one wishes with many fishermen.
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2024-09-13 13:34 (Europe/Paris)