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Silurus Glanis - Wels Catfish (Catfish angling)
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fabrice Happy New Year 2006 to all.
lolo82 Our personal best for season 2005. Bravo Julien. Tony Armer fishing with Gary Sheridan on the Lower Ebro. Agine guided this superb wels catfish of 142.00lbs along with several more fish. Tony had fish of 142lbs 140.00lbs 135.00lbs 128.00lbs 110.00lbs 96.00lbs 85.00lbs and some smaller catfish also carp to 10 20lbs +.
Tony has fished on the Lower Ebro Several times with Gary and he said he has never blanked the worst session ever was four fish to 120.00lbs not bad considering the weather was terrible.
cathunter.jelle New PB, caught on 01/09/05 at 23.30u. Paul White with a monster caught on live bait from a snaggy area on the delta region of the lower Ebro. With guide Gary Sheridan.
seb.49 The last wels catfish of my season 2005, on September 1st, on the material voluntarily relieved to allow me one more comfortable prospecting from the edge, red Beast Master 2.70m 50-100gr, reel Daiwa Samurai 7i, and plait of 25/100th...
That was worth to me a good and long fight with this fish!
r.ernst In Spain (Mequinenza)!
Guided by Bruno and Oli of!
It was great!
stephen.buss Another nice pic from this years album.
stephen.buss Eye to Eye.
stephen.buss One of my favorite pictures from 2005.
stephen.buss Brace yourselves: 177lb & 168lb
stevie.d My biggest of our first trip to the Top Lake, Mare de Aragon. The fish may be smaller but the fight is very good sport.
stevie.d Jan and her biggest cat of our trip to Mare de Aragon.
stevie.d My first cat caught from Mare De Aragon, the Top Lake. Mequinenza was just too full of anglers!!
stevie.d Jan and her very first cat caught from the Top Lake, Mare De Aragon near Caspe. The water level in the Top Lake is down nearly 50ft!
jeanmimi37 Same fish as previous after releasing...
jeanmimi37 Few seconds before releasing...
jeanmimi37 186cm wels catfish caught in the Loire river after a fight of 30 minutes.
stephen.buss Over the Moon
stephen.buss Big Fish are Friends not Food.
stephen.buss 24 Albinos in 8 months fishing.
stephen.buss Duncan Rooke 212lb July 2005
stephen.buss New Spanish Record. Guided by Stephen Buss.
stephen.buss Half Albino. Guided by Stephen Buss Late August 2005.
philippe.s. The truth? I was fed-up! Not eaten, madman's wind and almost no fishes. But Xavier insisted on a group of silurid and it was once again very paying. This is the positive of the day. Thank you Xavier (alias Jo Packett).
nathalie Zander:
st.sulpice.81 Nice moorning with my father... Recently converted to catfish fishing!
luca Three wels catfish from the river Po in Italy.
luca Wels catfish from the river Tanaro in Italy.
luca Wels catfish from the river Tanaro in Italy.
tommy "Schöner Wels aus Spanien"
philippe.s. And finally the last one and the biggest of the fishing day. The fish was caught by Michel (not on the photo) and presented by Charly and François. The Wels measured 1,93m.
philippe.s. 3rd fish of 1,51m caught by Philippe during our organized fishing day.
philippe.s. 2nd fish of 1,44m caught by Pierre during our organized fishing day.
lolo82 My personal best double in 15 minutes: 200 and 201 cm.
lolo82 Nicola Roncato (GSI/GDS) and Andrea Pomati (GSI) in Lyon.
alberto Wels catfish not having right moustache.
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